I went to bed on Tuesday evening with the intentions of blogging before I did so. However, the man with the sand had poured some of his elixir in my eyes forcing them to shut, unbenownst to me. I had in mind to write so many things, but as I woke up on Wednesday morning, it was clear why I hadn't.
I woke up with fuel on my mind. It was the strangest thing. I mean, I know that gas prices are high and all, but to wake up with it on my mind was insane, until I thought a bit deeper.
Fuel is what makes things like planes, trains and automobiles go. Fuel (although this sort we call encouragement) is what keeps us as human beings go. It keeps us on the path that we ought to be and ultimately guides us into our destiny. So, as I thought about the day before, it all became evident why God had slipped that small word into my spirit.
The day before I received a surprise in the mail from one of my blog sister friends...lovebabz. The card (as you can see) is lovely. It reminded me of my days of singing karaoke with friends. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that someone that I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person would fuel a dream of mine. She sees the passion that God has gifted and thought it not robbery to lend to that gift, all while teaching me that I should do more of the same. It really reinforces the biblical meaning of you reap what you sow, or as some would like to call...the rules of reciprocity.
So, I thank LoveBabz and all the other supporters out there for sowing into a dream that has been for so long deferred. This is my season to start to blossom and I am so glad that there are folks around that take time to water my God given talent. He has planted, and allowed you all to water. For that, I am eternally grateful!
Pearls of Wisdom:
God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers,
And thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face,
A gauntlet with a gift in it.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Be Blessed!