Thursday, September 17, 2009

A New Start! has been almost 4 months since I last posted! However, while I have not been updating, I have been busy as a bee working.

From here on out, I am going to be more vigilant about posting. I know, I know...I have said that before, but I am in a place where I am holding up to my words. Now in order for me to do so, I won't be doing so much writing, but displaying more of my work. goes folks! This is a new series that I am working on that has everything to do with color and pattern.

Enjoy and as always, your comments are welcome!
Pearls of Wisdom
Motivation happens when you least expect it. Welcome it with open arms and be prepared to go with its movement!
Be Blessed!

Monday, May 11, 2009

In The Studio

Last week was an extremely productive week. I was able to set aside my previous hang ups about getting into the studio and literally attack my work head on.

While at the last Joose meeting (last week's Wednesday Whoop) I realized that there may have been several things keeping me out of the studio. One being the clutter in parts of my studio, two not having my own space, but the biggest speed bump of them all being my frame of thought. My frame of mind about my work, and warped feeling about my studio.

It almost felt like my enemy...the space that was holding up my creative process. When I got there, nothing would come, and I do mean nothing. No, let's get back to before I got to the space. How about it was hard for me to even get to the space.

So, I took the advice of some of my fellow artist friends. They had some good pointers. I just needed to be in the space. In fact, that may have been the very thing that was holding me back. Not doing! Who would have thought that not doing is what was causing me so much heartache and lack of creativity?

As a result of our conversation, the studio and I have been constant companions in the last few weeks. I now love the feeling I get when I am there. All else doesn't matter in that space. It is just me, my tools, my imagination, and emotions that create wonderful pieces of art work. Thank GOD!

Here is a new series that I am in the process of starting. It is somewhat of a color study, but more about process. Enjoy!

Pearl of Wisdom!
Be not weary in well doing! GOD in heaven can do anything!

Be blessed!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Wednesday Whoop - SALON JOOSE

As I continue to grow as an artist, I find the importance in learning of other artists' and their techniques. So, in an effort to bring artists to the forefront that I appreciate and that don't often times get the notoriety they ought to, I am starting The Wednesday Whoop!

I will be highlighting a different artist or association every week. I will be primarily focusing on visual artists, but being a renaissance woman means that I definitely will not leave out artists that concentrate on other forms of art.

Welcome to Wednesday Whoop

I first encountered Tanya Dodd (founder) while serving on the University of the Arts AAP Board about a year ago. At one particular meeting she shared a booklet of her amazing photography and our love for art formed a great friendship from there. We exchanged numbers and email addresses and vowed to keep in touch.

A couple of months later I received an email titled Salon Juice-Fuel For Artists By Artists. It was an invitation to attend what I call an "artist forum."

Well, I decided to attend, and was ecstatic about what I found Tanya Murphy Dodd and Anyta Thomas (co-founder) had going on when I got there.

So what is exactly Salon Joose? Salon Joose is an open arena for artists of all kinds and caliber to come together to share past, current and future creative endeavours. These shared experiences are not kept in the physical realm, but taken viral as well in order to get vital information to artists all over the world via blogs and online talk radio.

Those who attend sessions that occur every 4th Sunday of each month receive honest critiques and suggestions of their work (if wanted) in a comfortable studio/gallery arena. If a discussion groups, workshops, exhibition space, space rental and much more is what you are looking for, then look no further than Salon Joose!

Another honorable perk of Salon Joose is that they have a running calendar of art events that is happening in and around the Philadelphia area noted on their blog.

So get JOOSED people!
For more information about Salon Joose and its founders, please visit
If you are interested in attending a forum, please contact the founders from the website above so they can put you on their email list. They are more than pleased to have additional artists join!

Thanks folks! I look forward to showcasing another artist next Wednesday!

Pearls of Wisdom:
If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done. ~Dale Carnegie

Be Blessed!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting Setup

I am truly on my way to becoming the business woman that I am meant to be. I am sure of it. The road has not been necessarily easy, and I am sure that there are plenty of other snags that will come along the way, but I am so excited about that which has taken place, and that which is to come.

I have made some much needed purchases in order to aid in the proper flow of my businesses. These new items include a AIO printer, and a sewing machine. Yes...I said it...a sewing machine.
Now, I am not fancy with the sewing machine. As a matter of fact, I don't really know how to use one at all. However, there are certain pieces that I need to sew. I have been doing so by hand, and am more than happy to get the precision that I am looking for with the "Brother". I also don't mind the time factor. is what's new

The business cards have been printed and are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art Front
Painting/Drawing: I am in the midst of starting a new series. The series is derived from a friend. She actually is in need of a painting, and from that I have done some sketching and some purchasing of some oil paints, which I haven't done in a while.

Photography: Buddy and I are about to take some excursions. In order to get the study pics that I need for the new series that I am going to get into, I need to go to some arboretums. I will definitely be doing so in the next couple of weeks in order to get started.

I was also just asked this evening to do a family portrait for some family friends. I am stoked about it.

Jewelry: I have made a couple of new pieces. I have come to the conclusion that I will continue to do business with Elle Bee. I have been saying that I am going to take some more pieces there for the last couple of months, but I will have to do so within the next couple of weeks as they have almost sold all of my inventory.

Massage Therapy Front

I have come up with the name of the business: Enet's Graceful Touch Massage Therapy.

There is a website that is up. It is basic, but will be revamped within the next couple of months. I want it to be just a tad jazzier. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

I have been giving out my business cards, and even have a gig this weekend to do chair massage (with the help of NMTI). I will definitely be networking!

Well, that is what we have folks. I will be sure to post pics to keep you updated as well.

Pearl of Wisdom:
"Beethoven, Wagner, Bach, and Mozart settled down day after day to the job at hand. They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration. The great composers did not set to work because they were inspired, but became inspired because they were working."
~ Earnest Newman

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Plan B, His Plan A

It's been a while and no, I haven't fallen off the bandwagon, but have really been needing some time to get some things in order. I have been a tad hesitant about writing since I have had nothing visual to go along with my creative/artistic ventures. As I stated before, I believe I will write anyway; therefore we have this entry.

As I sat and spoke to a friend a while ago about some of my insecurities and woes of life, it became clear to me that my plan B may have been God's plan A all along. It's funny sometimes how we plan, set up shop, re-vamp the plan, re-vamp the shop that we set up, and the cycles go on and on, only to find out that plan B is so much simpler and conducive to who we are than plan A in the first place. The plan that made us sweat and toil day and night, cry hours on end, and sometimes compromise our identity was never meant to be so.

His plan A has been here all along. My ticket to freedom. However, although that free ticket is available for me to take a hassle free ride, I have been hesitant about getting on. One foot on the train, the other foot on the platform. The foot on the train realizes that I must make a move.

The foot on the train realizes that I must make a move. I have been created for a time such as this. To carry out that which GOD has gifted me with. If I don't jump on board, I will be left behind trying to find ways to pick up the pieces.

The foot on the platform questions the moves that I am making. "Are you thinking in an orderly fashion?" "Have you thought about consulting this one and that one before taking this leap?" "Do you really think that you are equipped to make this journey?" "Is this the right time? Maybe you should wait to make sure." If I jump on board, I may have left the station before the cargo has been loaded.

So with that being said, I am vowing to put all anxieties aside and hop on the train. I am ready to take the lead of my Master and go with His plan B, which ultimately becomes my plan A.

On the Art Front

Jewelry: December proved to be a great month for jewelry sales. I am assuming due to the Christmas season. Although I have not had the opportunity to make much jewelry, the store where I am selling items would like me to continue to sell items in their store. I will hopefully be replenishing their stash within the next 2 weeks or so.

Buddy (my camera): Buddy has not been used in a while. I need to take him out to do some product shots. While in school I made a new friend that I coincidentally went to the same high school as I did. He graduated a couple years after I did, but has a great eye for photography. We have not had the opportunity to shoot together yet, but will do so in the near future.

Button Series: I have gotten rave reviews on my button pieces. I completed yet another piece within the last month, and am working on how I would like it to be framed. I have one more that I want to do to complete this series.

Paintings/Other mediums: I have been blessed to have been introduced to many different art circles within the last couple of months. My mother has an associate who she has put me in contact with. This associate has gallery space available for free, and my fellow artists know how much of a jewel that is! So, I will be taking her up on her offer in the very (and I do mean very) near future. My former boss also would like for me to have a show in their work space. Therefore people, I have no excuse not to show and sell work. I will do it!
Other Adventures

Massage Therapy: I now can put the letters CMT (certified Massage Therapist) after my name. Although I was concerned about how well I would do, I graduated with honors and perfect attendance. It is just a pleasure to know that I am able to offer others relaxation, and comforts to their physical ailments. I am toying around with a couple of different names for my upcoming massage therapy business. I am up for suggestions!