Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting Setup

I am truly on my way to becoming the business woman that I am meant to be. I am sure of it. The road has not been necessarily easy, and I am sure that there are plenty of other snags that will come along the way, but I am so excited about that which has taken place, and that which is to come.

I have made some much needed purchases in order to aid in the proper flow of my businesses. These new items include a AIO printer, and a sewing machine. Yes...I said it...a sewing machine.
Now, I am not fancy with the sewing machine. As a matter of fact, I don't really know how to use one at all. However, there are certain pieces that I need to sew. I have been doing so by hand, and am more than happy to get the precision that I am looking for with the "Brother". I also don't mind the time factor. is what's new

The business cards have been printed and are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art Front
Painting/Drawing: I am in the midst of starting a new series. The series is derived from a friend. She actually is in need of a painting, and from that I have done some sketching and some purchasing of some oil paints, which I haven't done in a while.

Photography: Buddy and I are about to take some excursions. In order to get the study pics that I need for the new series that I am going to get into, I need to go to some arboretums. I will definitely be doing so in the next couple of weeks in order to get started.

I was also just asked this evening to do a family portrait for some family friends. I am stoked about it.

Jewelry: I have made a couple of new pieces. I have come to the conclusion that I will continue to do business with Elle Bee. I have been saying that I am going to take some more pieces there for the last couple of months, but I will have to do so within the next couple of weeks as they have almost sold all of my inventory.

Massage Therapy Front

I have come up with the name of the business: Enet's Graceful Touch Massage Therapy.

There is a website that is up. It is basic, but will be revamped within the next couple of months. I want it to be just a tad jazzier. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

I have been giving out my business cards, and even have a gig this weekend to do chair massage (with the help of NMTI). I will definitely be networking!

Well, that is what we have folks. I will be sure to post pics to keep you updated as well.

Pearl of Wisdom:
"Beethoven, Wagner, Bach, and Mozart settled down day after day to the job at hand. They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration. The great composers did not set to work because they were inspired, but became inspired because they were working."
~ Earnest Newman

Be Blessed!