This morning I woke up with a song on my mind. The name of the song is, "I Give Myself Away". It made me think a great deal about giving and the giving away of stuff...material things.
I can say that I am a giving person at the core of who I of my time, giving of my talkent, and giving of my heart. However, sometimes I find it hard to give away material things. Perhaps the thought process is that if I am giving of myself in other areas I should at least be able to keep my stuff; or so I thought until last week.
Last week I was slammed with the unction to give away some of my things (a painting and a pair of shoes to be specific). I know, a pair of shoes out of the 200 pairs or so That I have, and a painting in the arsenal of paintings that I have not sold as of yet is not such a big deal! That is what you are saying right?
In the grand scheme of it does not matter. If I had to be honest though, sometimes giving of my things hurts. I love shoes, and my paintings are like my babies!
Obedience can be a beast, especially when it is something that seems will have you to lose instead of gain. But what I am learning is that there is a things called sowing seed, and reaping a harvest. Yes, this is a biblical system, but works for anyone who decides to use the principle. IBM, Starbucks, and NIKE are all companies that find ways to give back using the principle without being founded on Christian principles.
The system works folks if one works it! So me giving away a pair of shoes and a painting is just the beginning of the process. I am in the sowing phase of my life. Sowing into my business, my financial stability, and my future.
Each time I sow, I am targeting or naming my seed. That means I am naming the harvest that I am looking to grow as a result of planting the seed. As a friend said to me earlier today, what farmer plants a seed and expects nothing to grow as a result of planting that seed? They don't! They plant a particular seed and expect to get the harvest of that particular seed they planted.
I will name the thing (harvest) that I am looking for/expecting each time I give (sow). Therefore, each time I sow I am expecting a tremendous harvest!
What am I looking to expect from the shoes and painting given away? I would say making new connections with artists to start with. Then, selling my pieces, being represented by some galleries, being accepted to some residencies, and eventually opening up my own gallery!
This is only the beginning!!!!!
Later this week:A painting of a sketch done!
Pearls of Wisdom:Give, and it will come back to you..pressed down, shaken together and running over!~KGCMBe Blessed!