Monday, July 30, 2012



The price of this item is $18 (tax and shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the earrings are ONLY for these Cheetah Print Screen Earrings.  There will be posts following with other earrings available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.
Thought For The Day:
I've been thinking. As a matter of fact, all I have been doing is thinking.  It's almost too much thinking to be honest. It's the kind of thinking that wakes you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night.

They aren't worried or fearful thoughts. They aren't thoughts of not having enough time or money to accomplish what I believe I was birthed to do. They aren't thoughts of being single or childless. They aren't thoughts of the injustices of this world. And they aren't thoughts of what's next.

They are actually quite joyful thoughts. They are thoughts of excitement. I am excited that I am finally realizing who I am, and am finally comfortable with me. I am excited that I have family and friends that support me and believe in the vision that God has given me.  I am excited that I know my purpose and going after it with a tenacity that won't quit.

 I can honestly say that I am learning to enjoy the journey! As I posted on Facebook this morning...I woke up refreshed knowing that although things aren't perfect, I trust that He is in control! I am resting in that small morsel of truth today.

The fact is the rundown of "aren'ts" above are true on paper for now, but they are not my end. So I find rest in the truth that my victorious destination is a beautiful one! One that I don't have to be concerned about how I will attain. The victorious destination will come in it's due season!

Sketch Of The Day:
This isn't such a detailed sketch, but it was an impulse sketch.I am trying to make sure that I do more sketching like this. It was done while in the recording studio. It helped to bring a creative surge to some lyrics I needed to write.

Pearls of Wisdom:
As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.
~ Henry David Thoreau

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Thought For The Day!
For as much as I was created to create, I was also created to sing! They go hand in hand for me. There is always a beat traveling through my mind that makes its way out of my lips to form a melody.

Within the last few years I have been tinkering with writing some tunes. I have a few brothers in Christ (Soundman & Cho) that are really encouraging and giving me the awesome opportunity to write and sing on their mixtape.

The above youtube video link is the beginning of a beautiful collaboration!

Sketch Of The Day:
Not perfect, but I don't care! I am learning to just sketch and let it be what it is going to be....some great, and some not so great!

Enjoy and I look forward to reading your comment. Until next post...

Pearls Of Wisdom:
"Your corn is ripe today; mine will be so tomorrow. 'Tis profitable for us both, that I should labour with you today, and that you should aid me tomorrow."
~ David Hume

Be blessed!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Creating The Atmosphere

The price of this item is $18 (tax and shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the earrings are ONLY for these Giraffe Print Screen Earrings.  There will be posts following with other earrings available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
Like so many artists, I have an alternate form of income in order to avoid from becoming a starving artist. For those that know me know that I am also a massage therapist. I used to waste an immense amount of time in between clients. Last week a friend challenged me to use each bit of my time wisely. She encouraged me to treat my business as my job. That means that I need to designate at least 40 hours towards my craft each week in the midst of the 90 million other things that I need to do. My purpose is worth at least that!

This is my first week, and I have gotten a good start this week. So far I have logged in about 25 hours with the rest of today and tomorrow to go.

It dawned on me today that there are atmospheres where I feel more creative than others.  I’ve also found that those atmospheres vary depending on what type of art I am working on. 

I love to paint in a naturally lit area that has lots of windows where I can gaze at the outside world. I like to paint alone mostly (with little to no interruptions) with loud music of the genre that lends to the piece of work I am painting. I can conceptualize for a painting, draw, and journal for the most part in any setting.

I know the experts say that the bedroom is supposed be used exclusively for sleeping, but for me crafts are best done in the comfort of my bedroom work desk. There is something about the bed being readily available to take a nap when I need to that is so appealing while doing crafts. I can take a quick break when needed, and get up and get right back to work.

I tend to write (poetry, songs, blog postings) best in an area that is dimly lit with a steady flow of people, and music quietly playing through ear buds.

With that said, in light of this new 40 hours a week that I am committing to my craft, I have no choice but to create an atmosphere that is conducive to what I need to do regardless of where I am. The things that my gifts and talents will produce are worth me giving it my very best shot!

Sketch of the Day:
Of course I was inspired by my garden today. So excited to see the veggies grow!

Pearls of Wisdom:
" Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts.And never hope more than you work."
~ Rita Mae Brown

 Be blessed!
Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This hot pink summer scarf is made of blended fibers with a touch of sparkle to it. It is extremely light and appropriate for this time of year. As with the others previously posted, it is a little over 15 inches long and is perfect for casual or semi-casual wear.

The price of this item is $25 (tax & shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this hot pink color scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarfs available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
Each day I awake in the predicament that I am currently in, I ask God and wonder to myself, "How are things going to work today?"

I have been thinking a lot about the word faith lately. Of course I know it to be defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 12:1), but hoping when things look bleek is not an easy task. Hoping and being sure that you are following the path that you are supposed to go is the most difficult to swallow. Things look bleak and there is sometimes seemingly no end.

Swallowing I am! The transparent truth is, following my purpose is not glamorous at this point. Each moment there is something new. That newness can be exciting and overwhelming. I don't have all the answers, and sometimes don't know where to begin to find them. I don't always feel like I have the time nor the energy. And I don't always feel like I am capable of completing the task at hand.

So I have listed a few dont's, but it is the do's that keep me afloat. I do know that if I wasn't able to handle my gifts that I was given, I wouldn't have them. I do have the tenacity to stay on course with this journey no matter what things look like. I do have the ability to create a legacy and make a tremendous difference with this gift. At the end of the day, no matter what happens... I do continue to pursue this God given vision.


There you have it folks! Thank you for reading and commenting! Until next post.....

Journal Pages of The Day:
A few from the last few days. The knot serves as a preliminary sketch for a painting. I did a small painting from the sketch, but can't share it as of yet. However it will be shown soon!

Pearls of Wisdom: 
“Faith isn’t the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It’s simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.” 
 ~Joni Erickson Tada 

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Am Powerful

Thought For The Day:
Yesterday I came to the epiphany that GOD has created me:

Today I am still living in the overflow of these ephiphanies. The message last night confirmed just how I was feeling. 

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. That means that GOD has given me power. As a matter of fact, He expects that I would take full authority of everything that He has given me...this world. He made that very clear ages ago when He placed Adam in the Garden of Eden "to tend and watch over it." (Genesis 2:15). And since I choose to believe that Adam and Eve are my forefathers, the Word still holds true for me today, and I am made in His likeness and image, He too has given me this powerful authority to reign victoriously!

It's just that simple! I choose to believe that I am great...therefore, I am great! I choose to believe that I make an impressive change in this world...therefore, I make an impressive change in this world. I choose to believe that there is no one else on this planet that is like me...therefore there is no one else on this planet that is like me. I choose to believe that there is nothing that will stand in the way of me living the abundant life that GOD has intended for me to live before the foundation of this got it....nothing will stand in the way of me living the abundant life that GOD has intended for me to live before the foundation of this world!!!!

Journal Page of the Day:
This little red corvette is slowing down and learning how to enjoy the ride instead of trying to get to  the destination so quickly!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
~ Tony Robbins

Be blessed! 

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time to Dream

Black and white animal print

The price of all screen earrings (unless specified) will be
 $18  after July 15th, 2012
(tax and shipping not included)

The price of this item is $12 (tax & shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the earrings are ONLY for these Black/White Animal Print Screen Earrings.  There will be posts following with other earrings available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
Today I took time to dream. I think that it is something that we don't do enough of, and today I made a decision to make time to dream on a daily basis.

I am an avid journaler, and for quite some time I have been trying to figure out why I have been a little lax in my writing. It was almost starting to feel like more of a chore than a place to pray, drop feelings, and just say what I needed to say without condemnation.

Today I think I understand why. I have this innate desire to create with images as well as words. My journaling was becoming boring and stagnant. It was becoming something that I could no longer digest. I should have known. Most of my paintings and drawings contain my writing. It should have clicked that perhaps my writings needed images as well.

So I am dreaming on a daily basis on purpose for my purpose in image and in word. I will look back at these pages often...etching new views onto my delicate cerebral cortex.   

This is what was birthed today from dreaming, and journaling with image as well as words.  Todays focus: relaxation

Until next post.....

Pearls of Wisdom:
Superman can fly high, way up in the sky
'Cause I believe he can
So what I choose to believe can always work out fine
It's all in the mind
~ Luther Vandross "Make Me a Believer" 

 Today I choose to believe. I have the vision and write the vision down so that it is in plain site! 

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Never Running Out Of Steam

A new pink/purple web design!

The price of all screen earrings (unless specified) will be
 $18  after July 15th, 2012
(tax and shipping not included)

The price of this item is $12 (tax & shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the earrings are ONLY for these Pink/Purple Web Screen Earrings.  There will be posts following with other earrings available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
It would be nice to be able to say that I never run out of steam. To say that would be an absolute untruth. As a matter of fact, I almost feel like I am running the last leg of the mile run. If you have ever been in gym class in school (which most of us have), then you know what I am talking about. The last 400 meters seems to be the most difficult. Your muscles are extremely tired and you are fighting hard to finish strong.

Well folks, I am fighting hard to continue the race that I have started. I am so tempted to "choke" (my Victory family will understand that statement). The reality is, I don't have time to choke. The time to get this done is here, and I must make good use of the time and plenty of inspiration that I have been given.

So here I am posting yet again, and I will do it again, and again, and again...regardless of how I feel. I will press through. Until next post...

Pearls of Wisdom:
It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.
~ Helen Keller 

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email ( before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.