Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Better Plan

About This Piece
This Cherry Blossom winter scarf is made of 100% acrylic fibers (a material perfect for those concerned about hair breakage).  This scarf is open ended and approximately 5 inches wide and approximately six feet long.  

The price of this item is $30 (shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this Cherry Blossom winter scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarfs available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale. 

Thought For The Day:
Hurricane Sandy has blown over, and in the span of her arrival and departure, I have been experiencing cabin fever. Yesterday was a total bust! I did nothing…nada…niente…niets…ingenting…rien! Okay, you get the point, it was super unsuccessful!

Today is a different story though! I think I have come up with a good system to clear away the procrastination blues. After all when I get nothing done it is not because I have nothing to do, but because I am putting the inevitable off for another time. Often times that inevitable time is at the last minute, which is no longer acceptable.

From this day forth, I plan to come up with my to do list the night before, and try real hard to make the things listed happen the following day. I won’t put anything on there that is unrealistic, but I do believe that it is important for me to challenge myself.

Today I have done pretty well. I have managed to get almost all of the things that are on my list done today before the five o'clock hour. That is definitely a feat for me! They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit, and this is a habit that I need to form. 

On My Work Desk:
Just getting the brush to the canvas. A practice piece.

Journal Page Of The Day:
I have finally decided to pen down the 33 things I would like to accomplish while 33. As you can see, I am adding things as they come. I am about 5 months late, but who is counting anyway! I still have more than half a year to complete them!

 I am using my little dude to help me with my proportions. 

Pearls Of Wisdom:
"You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully."
~ Anthony Robbins

As always, thanks for , reading, purchasing commenting, subscribing and following! Until next post… 
Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Value of Friendship

 About This Piece  
This Metal & Pearl Bracelet was created a few weeks ago. This is it's first appearance here. The diamond shape metal pieces come from a broken belt. The chain and and pearl pieces were purchased.

The price of this item is $35 (tax and shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the bracelet is ONLY for this Metal & Pearl bracelet.  There will be posts following with other jewelry available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
I have always known that friends were important! The older I become, the more I understand the value of true friendship. I wrote about this approximately two years ago, but have been given a few lessons in having true friends, and more importantly being a true friend.

I am an eternal optimist! You know the type. The type that believes that underneath the trash that lies within all of us, there is always a soft spot that just needs the right atmosphere to emerge. The type that believes love will wash away all the hardships and pains of this world. The type that thinks that one person is just as good as the next. The type that mostly hates conflict.

I am by nature an "open" person, and some would say that I am too "open". I “give up the tapes” easily and often expect that in return from my friends. I don’t do well with aloofness!

In my friends I have learned a few valuable lessons.

We aren’t all the same:

God has created us all to be different for good reasons. I don’t want to imagine a world of only “me’s” hanging around. As a matter of fact, uniqueness is what makes this world amazing. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if there were only one type of person or personality that graced this planet. We need the four temperament types (Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic).

Differences exist to be embraced!

Change is a personal journey:
Change is a great thing when a person changes because they genuinely want it. Nagging has never worked. As a matter of fact, it often causes a divide in friendships.

I am learning the best tactic is to pray. God knows best! He created my friends, and knew them way before I did.

Walls are meant to be let down:
Walls that surround my heart are meant to be let down with people I trust. Not everyone is out to hurt me, and I don’t need to put my friends through some sort of rigorous gymnastic routine in order to figure out whether they love or care for me. People make their intention and motives known over time, and I trust that God has given me discernment to weed out mal intentions from those that prove to be fruitful.

I can feel free to by myself:

True friends accept me as I am. That means they accept the side of me that smiles and giggles, and they also accept the side that is not so favorable. They understand that although I smile often, there is sometimes hurt and pain that hides behind that smile. They accept the teary and super sensitive part of me, and the sometimes extremely “out of the box” thinker I can be.

Friends sometimes have seasons:

I am a firm believer that each friend enters my life for a reason. Most of them last for a season, and few for a lifetime. I have learned to accept each friend for the specific role they play in my life.

So thank you friends, and friends that I call family! I am extremely blessed that you teach me these lessons, and so much more! They make me a better person. They help me to blossom into the beautiful flower that God desires for me to develop into. I love you all dearly!

Pearls Of Wisdom:
"True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation [an identifying name or title]."
~ George Washington

As always, thanks for purchasing, reading, commenting, subscribing and following! Until next post…

Be blessed! 

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Torpedo Factory

About This Piece
This Fall Mix winter scarf is made of 100% acrylic fibers (a material perfect for those concerned about hair breakage).  This scarf is open ended and approximately 6 inches wide and over five feet long.  
The price of this item is $30 (shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this Fall Mix winter scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarfs available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.
Thought For The Day:
For those that have been reading for a while have heard me speak of the love that I have for Northern Virginia. I lived there for a few years after graduating from college (for those that are reading for the first time). While I was there I spent an immense amount of time in Old Town Alexandria, which is a quaint area that is about 15 square miles large with an incredible thriving arts community. 

Well this weekend I finally had the opportunity to visit the Torpedo Factory during a girls weekend. I am grateful to have friends (that I consider to be sisters) that appreciate all forms of art and understand my love for it as well. And while I know that they like art, I am almost convinced that the friend that lives in the area thought that it would be good for me in particular. And if that was the case, indeed she was right!

The artists and their creations were absolutely amazing! The open studio set up was just what I needed to put a little pep in my step. I needed to see artists doing "their thing". I needed to feel the barrage of emotions, from sadness to sheer delight. I have been in the swing of things concerning my creations, but there is always that nagging voice that states that I am not good enough or that I won't make it in this business, and even that I will run out of ideas. 
I am almost sure that the nagging voice is the voice of the enemy, and I choose to believe otherwise! I was built for this! I am on the right track! I am in the exact place I should be, and even the timing of things is not an accident!
I love what I do, and the people that push me to strive to be better at what I do! Thank you for an absolutely lovely weekend JW Crew! I love you ladies!

As always, thanks for reading, commenting, purchasing, subscribing and following! Until next post…

Pearls of Wisdom:
"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a hear full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun."
~ Charles Swindoll

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Temporary Lows Of Entrepreneurship

About This Piece
This Purple/Teal Mix winter scarf is made of a wool and acrylic blend. It is open ended and approximately 3 inches wide and long enough to be wrapped around plenty of times.

The price of this item is $30 (shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this Purple/Teal Mix winter scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarves available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:

Next month will mark the 4th year of operation for Exo31 Art. I should be jumping up and down, but the reality is that I am just now starting to function as a business. I am just now beginning to understand that being an entrepreneur is a sacrifice! I am not so sure that I believed or recognized just how much of a sacrifice it was until I decided that I was going to “just do it”!

The “just do it” mentality comes with a lot of baggage. The baggage for me includes:

Working odd jobs:
I am not a 9 to 5 type of person. Don’t get me wrong; I am a workhorse! However, a 9 to 5 is often too monotonous for me. At the same time, I never thought that at the age of 33 I would be working odd jobs in order to pay bills while my business grows.

Temporary Low Funds:
Temporary low funds often comes with being an entrepreneur. I understand and accept it because it is just “temporary”. I don’t subscribe to the “starving artist” mentality. I am an artist, but I am hardly starving! I would rather go through this temporary space of not getting what I want so that I can grow to the place where I have an overflow of monetary resources. After all it is far more important for me to love what I am doing instead of loving the paycheck. One day (and soon) the paycheck will match my passion for creativity.

Living With Parents:
This is another, “I never thought I would be…” at 33. At this age I thought I would have been in a home of my own. It isn’t so, and I have learned to become okay with that. Again, I understand that this is a temporary situation.

I have learned that on this journey to leaving this awesome legacy that lies within me, there are plenty of unexpected turns. I could either end the journey short of making it to the finish line in order to avoid those unexpected turns or I could navigate my way through the unexpected turns with tenacity. I choose the later of the two. There may be struggles, success may look different than I thought, and things may not always go according to scheduled plans, but at least I am fervently going after what I know I was placed here on this Earth to do!

And to me, it all makes making sacrifices worth it!

Pearls Of Wisdom:
“Starting your own business is like riding a roller coaster. There are highs and lows and every turn you take is another twist. The lows are really low, but the highs can be really high. You have to be strong, keep your stomach tight, and ride along with the roller coaster that you started.” 
Lindsay Manseau 

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

60's Flower Print Re-post

This is a repost! The link below the previous post dated 6-1-2012 seemed to be faulty. If you are trying to purchase this pair, and the link is still not working for you, please email us at exo31art@gmail.com or call us at 609-857-1033

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience!

Be blessed!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


It's getting chilly folks! This Stillness Ombre winter scarf is made of 100% acrylic fibers (a material perfect for those concerned about hair breakage).  This scarf is open ended and approximately 5 inches wide and over feet long. 

The price of this item is $30 (shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this Stillness Ombre winter scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarfs available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
This year, I have decided to create my own 2013 calendar. Yes it took some time. As a matter of fact, I took more time than I probably should have taken on it. But the reality is that I wanted to make a calendar that had what I wanted and needed in it.

In addition to containing a month/weeks in review and monthly budgets, it contains what I like to call a monthly to-do lists. The list consists of goals, plans of actions, and achievements for each month. I have decided to make you all privy to some things on this list in order to keep myself accountable. I find that I do best when I spell what I need to do out and tell others. That way it keeps folks open to ask every once and a while where I am with the things I say that I am going to do.

I will post in the beginning of the month some goals and then at the end of the month I will post my progress on the goals I set in the beginning of the month.

So here goes for this chilly month of October:
- Finish artist resumé
- Post here at least 3 times per week
- Contact at least 2 cafés to see about hanging my artwork in their establishment
- Keep connected with the social media outlets that I am subscribed to

There you have it folks! My October monthly goals when it comes to my purpose regarding
Exo31 Art!

As always, thanks for purchasing, reading, commenting, subscribing and following! Until next post…

Pearls of Wisdom:
“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal and then leap in the dark to our success.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Be blessed!

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Monday, October 8, 2012


About This Piece
These Round Bronze Chain earrings have been here before, but I thought they needed a little more air play! The round gilded pewtered like bronze piece is from the bracelet above, and the hanging chain is from a necklace. Neither of the pieces were broken when I received them, but I wanted to add my little flair to them, as usual :)

The price of this item is $18 (tax and shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the earrings are ONLY for these Round Bronze Chain earrings.  There will be posts following with other jewelry available to purchase, and in the event it is needed, a return policy is at the end of this post. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
It's hard to believe that September has gone and October has arrived!

As I have posted about in the past, I have gotten rid of my TV. Since I have done such, an occasional movie is in order. And over the past few days the movie the Hunger Games has been in my DVD player. The movie was okay, but there was a line in the movie that stood out like a sore thumb to me. The line was so simple, but rang so true. "The only thing stronger than fear is hope." 

The particular line was so intriguing to me that I could hardly focus on the rest of the movie. The man was basically stating if the one in charge of the games gave the main character too much hope, then her fear would be banished. 

I thought about the definition of hope. The dictionary defines hope to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence, to believe, desire, or to trust.  I then immediately connected hope with the biblical definition of faith (Hebrews 11:1). Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  I then linked hope to my purpose.

Connecting the word showed me that there is without a shadow of a doubt a certainty that comes along with hope. A certainty that allows me to trust what I have been put on this earth for purpose. A certainty that fear is unable to keep me from accomplishing that purpose. A certainty that allows me to know that just because I may not be able to see the beginning, middle or end of something does not mean that it does not exist.

So from now on I will be concerned about each day as each day is presented to me, toting hope along! I will allow it to be at the forefront of my mind while being guided by God!

Customer Corner: 
The Red Sequence winter scarf was a present to this beautiful young lady in MD. Thank you again for supporting artists!
If you have made a jewelry or scarf purchase from Exo31 Art, LLC we would like to see you in it! Take a picture and send it to exo31art@gmail.com

Pearls of Wisdom:
He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
~ B.C. Forbes

As always, thanks for reading, commenting, purchasing, subscribing, and following! Until next post...

Be blessed! 

Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.

Monday, October 1, 2012



Fall is here, and winter will be approaching sooner than we think! This Amethyst Homespun winter scarf is made of acrylic fibers (a material perfect for those concerned about hair breakage).  It is a three inch wide infinity scarf (one big loop) that is able to be wrapped two or more times. It is wrapped twice in the picture above. 

The price of this item is $30 (shipping not included), and please remember that the paypal button under the scarf is ONLY for this Amethyst Homespun scarf.  There will be posts following with other scarfs available to purchase, and the return policy is the same as that for Exo31 Art, LLC jewelry. If you are looking for other items that are for sale, please hit the for sale label on the left side of this blog. That will bring up all the items that are currently for sale.

Thought For The Day:
As I sit here reading myself to publish a post that I have previously saved, to my chagrin, it is gone! In knowing that it is gone, I realize I have 2 choices. I could either freak out, throw a few things around, and scream at the top of my lungs; or I could sit, relax and type out a whole new post.

I decide to do the later of the options above. It’s funny that I have been presented with this particular option today. I should or could be seething with anger, and if truth be told, I am doing some pretty hefty breathing exercises so that I don’t get to that point. But then reality hits. What good is being angry going to do? It’s not going to magically bring back the words that are lost. At best it will raise my blood pressure a few notches, and intensify the headache that has been nagging me the past few days from pressure in my traps. In the grand scheme of things perhaps what I was going to talk about was not what needed to be posted anyway.

In making the later choice, I make some adjustments. I knew this before, but know it more even now…websites can be fickle. Instead of writing my posts directly on the site, I will write them in word, save them, and then cut and paste them into the site. That will save me a whole lot of agita!

This choice wasn’t so bad. I learned something, took a stroll back down memory lane while drinking a hot cup of caramel apple cider from my office, and managed to get this post out. It works out in my favor!!!

Thanks for purchasing, reading, commenting, subscribing and following! Until next post…

Pearls of Wisdom:
“But until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.”
~ Stephen R. Covey

Be blessed!
Exo31 Art, LLC Jewelry Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your jewelry, you may return it for an exchange or credit ONLY. Any item purchased at a retailer other than Exo31 Art, LLC cannot be returned to Exo31 Art, LLC for an exchange or credit. Please contact the retailer your items were purchased from.

  • Your exchange or credit must be requested within 7 calendar days of receiving it. Please notify us via email (exo31art@gmail.com) before the return.  Your package must be postmarked within 7 calendar days of receiving it.
  • Jewelry must be its original, new, unworn, and undamaged condition to be eligible for exchange or credit. 
  • All return shipping charges are the customer's responsibility and cannot be refunded. Please return jewelry in its original package. When shipping please make sure that the container is well padded and ship using UPS or USPS. Shipping insurance is not required, but recommended. Exo31 Art, LLC is not responsible for damages or loss incurred in return shipping.
  • Information as to where to return items will be sent in response to your exchange or credit request email.
  • Once your jewelry item has been received and examined, your original method of payment will be credited within one week, not including the original or return shipping costs. You will receive an email confirmation of your refund once it is processed.