Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wrapped Rings and Beanies

 Wrapped Leather Rings

Multi-colored Beanies

There are new items in the Exo31 Art Etsy shop!

I do pray that you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday! If you are in the land of the living with health, you have a lot to be thankful for!!! I know I certainly do!

As promised, there is NEW INVENTORY available to you all in my Etsy shop! This week brings some wrapped leather rings, and beanies. We are less than a month away from Christmas, and if you are looking for something unique to purchase for your loved ones, check out the Shop link above!

Corner of Gratitude:
An early start

Pearls of Wisdom:
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started"
~Mark Twain

Don't Forget:
If you are looking to do more reading about my work and my journey, head on over to One Artsy Gals Voyage Blog

As always, thanks for reading, purchasing, following, commenting, and just being plain ole' you!!!

Be blessed!!!