Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The End Is Often Bittersweet

When I started this blog approximately 7 years ago, I would have never imagined that I would still be posting. It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride. I would write consistently and then I wouldn't. I would be pretty transparent, and then I felt like I couldn't be. Sometimes I wrote more than I posted pictures, and sometimes it was the other way around. And now I am at this juncture in the road.

A few months ago I posted about whether I should combine my two blog sites together. At that time I made the decision to keep both of them, with this site focusing on my business, and the other site focusing on my journey as an artist.

Well after praying, I have stopped running from the thing that I have been most afraid of....focusing on my mixed medium work with a heavy emphasis on painting. I will finally apply to some residencies, start looking for supplemental income opportunities, start working on another individual show, and continue a huge project that I started long ago.

What does that mean for Exo31 Art, LLC? It will no longer be what you all have come to know it as. I will still create wearable art, but no longer be selling it how I have in the past. I may do some craft markets once or twice a year, but I won't stress myself if I don't get to it. It's another sweet surrender, but let's face it, my ROI (return on investment) was improving since I started years ago, but wasn't great, and more than anything...I really want to be obedient.

I'm not going to stop blogging. It's become not only cathartic, but almost necessary for my journey. At this stage I just need to change a few things around.  Although I will not be posting here anymore, I will still be posting about my journey as an artist over at

I will have a strict Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posting schedule for those that are looking to read a little more often. I will be posting a nice combination of photos, prose, and elements of this blog as well.

There you have it folks...forward motion is happening, despite its moments of making me feel uncomfortable. Hello Change! You are here for the better and I let my guard down to let you in. I welcome you with open arms!

Corner of Gratitude:

Pearls of Wisdom:
"I seldom end up where I want to go, but almost always end up where I need to be." 
~ Douglas Adams