Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nothing...but Polenta

I took a break today as I wasn't feeling up to par. So, there was nothing done physically in the aspect of the art realm, but the brain is always ticking. I actually took some time to try to find some art magazines to subscribe to and in the midst, I found a show that I think I will enter. The good thing...entries are not due until May 2008. The bad thing...each entry is 13 dollars (if my memory serves correctly). You can submit as many slides as possible in each category, but who can afford 13 bucks a pop. I will submit perhaps 3 or 4 and pray for the best.

In other news...I made some polenta the week of Christmas. I sent a phone pic to my friend Jennifer. She is a vegetarian and mentioned that it was one of her dishes. I was interested, since the main ingredient is corn meal. I love why not polenta. The recipe was easy and I made chicken and green beans to go along with it. There was a chance for the polenta and chicken to do a photo op and the camera phone did it no justice. Here it is...I know that it looks good, but don't drool on your keypads. LOL!

Be blessed!


J.L. said...

YUM! (Minus the chicken.)

The Artist In Me said...

Yeah..I had to give a little something to the meat eater to look at. Next time a veggie dish.