I don't think that I would have ever thought that the numbers 86 and 2 could have been so much alike. Yes...they are far from one another in numerical sense, but when talking about age, I am convinced that they are much the same.
I had the opportunity to take care of Graham all by my lonesome last week. My mother had the luxury of taking a vacation (a word that is foreign to me-a whole different blog). We usually take turns....I am home engaging Graham during the day and mom takes care of the evening. There are a few moments where Graham has to fend for herself for a couple of hours while we take care of business in order to keep the lights on. However, last week I had her around the clock....breakfast, meds, nap, snack, lunch, nap, snack, dinner, meds, sleep, and stories that I have heard a hundred times before in between. We did well together. We went to the stores, although she stays in the car (unless it is for food), and she even let me cut her hair.
So, I have decided to list the things that are so similar between the two ages:
-They need balanced meals, often with snacks in between
-They are sometimes messy eaters
-They wake up every morning before you do and knock at your door - Graham no longer does this, but she did in the beginning
-They take lots of naps
-When going out, they have to be monitored. If not, they get lost
-They need and love to be catered to
-They talk a lot, telling the same story repeatedly
-Time flys when you are with them-for various reasons
-They think that they are the boss
-They are set in their ways with no desire to change
-If they don't get their way, they get cranky
-They some times have to wear pants to hold their water (pull-ups or depends)
In My Art World:
Button Paintings: I have started 2 more pieces. They are going well. I have become a staple at Jo-Ann fabrics. I told her what I was up to with all the buttons that I was buying. She said, " I hope that I can say I knew you when you become famous. I can say, 'She used to come in the store all the time.' It was a statement that made me feel empowered to continue on my grind. On the flip side, I had to revamp the button piece that I displayed earlier. I did something that I didn't like and therefore had to change some things. I was upset at first, but quickly got over it, realizing that I could change things around if I wanted to. Isn't that what life is about? We make mistakes and hopefully learn from them the first go round.
Photography: Trying to make it a point to shoot at least once a week. I did some shooting last week and was not too impressed with the outcome. However, I wasn't all that jazzed about the subject matter that I was shooting either. I find that I do far better with people and things or places that really intrigue me. So, I will do some shooting this weekend and prayerfully come out with something better.
Jewelry: I have had some tremendous support from those of you in this blog world...Lovebabz and Torrance to state a few. I thank you! I am making it a point to try and have a couple of peices completed (by mid-June) that I can take to show for consignment at this high end store in town. I am still looking for opportunities to sell other places as well (craft shows, online, amongst friends and family, etc.).
Grants/Galleries: Still in the process of looking for grants and opportunities to enter my stuff in galleries. I am excited about the world seeing my work, and take away from it what they may.
Pearls of Wisdom:
We ought to be wise with the choices that we make. These choices have an effect on the next generation, and the next generation, and the next. Choice never affects one single person alone. It goes on and on and the effect goes out into geography and history. You are a part of history and your choices become a part of history. -Edith Schaeffer
Are you making your choices count as a affective and countable part of history?
Be blessed!
i jus wanna see some more of your art sista plz
Good fo ryou for taking the time to think about your Graham that way. I can feel the love!
I am soooo interested in the button art. I may want to give it as a gift to someone...so don't run off and sell it yet!
I love supporting you!...check your mail this week!
Torrance: Trust me brother, I am working feverishly. There are more pics to come. Thanks for the support though!
Love: Graham is funny to say the least. She keeps me on my toes!
The buttons are special. My mother seems to think that they are my ticket to becoming known...my niche.
I so appreciate the support and I will keep my eye on the mail this week!
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