Thursday, December 1, 2011

Working Off The Flow

I have been honored to be a part of a group of friends that I so affectionately call my family!

There is no coincidence that I am occupying this space at this moment in my life. No, I am not the booming business owner, wife, mother or billionaire (yes, I said billionaire!) that I am going to be yet, but I am learning some valuable lessons in this stage of life.

Character Building
I am beginning to understand that this is the foundation to ever good good integral character! A character that understands that my word is only as valuable as the action that is taken to make that word come into fruition.

Taking Lessons From a "Miracle Fruit"
There is a tiny little berry that has become popular in the last few years called the "Miracle Fruit" or it's scientific name Synsepalum dulcificum. Although the fruit is flavorless it has amazing properties that psych tastebuds into thinking sour, bitter and spicy tasting foods are really sweet.

Pretty awesome in my book, and gave me a new found way to greet life. Yes, things that we take in are sometimes sour and downright nasty, but we don't have to ingest it that way. In other words, it's not always the trial that makes a trial bad, but how we perceive that particular trial.

We have all heard the saying about lemons that rings true. Lemons don't always have to be sour if we take the time to find out how to make those lemons lemonade!

The ugly bouts of low and high self-esteem happen, but do not have to take over!

I admittedly have bouts of both from time to time, and am learning new ways to overcome both. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, as well as surety and insecurity. Well, the fine line I want to walk folks! As a matter of fact, I am determined to walk the fine line, not teetering on either extreme. A determination that has a healthy attitude and outlook on who God has really created me to be!

The Best
Simply put..the best is yet to come!

In its blank state

Detail shots

It's coming together quite nicely!

So, thank you Nerd family! You inspire me to press forward more than you know! I love you all!

Pearls of Wisdom:
The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you.
~ Kendal Hailey

Be blessed!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I woke up yesterday, and did my normal routine. Then I decided to watch a clip of a show on MTV's "Real Life" called "Losing My Sight". The young folks featured were all born with sight, but for various reasons (accidents & generic diseases), their sight was declining to blindness.

My thought..."WOW! Amongst all of the things that I complain about, I still have my sight. I can still see the brilliant creations of our CREATOR! Who am I to complain?" I immediately got to work! I stretched a canvas before getting in a good word from the house of God.

The world calls this day...Thanksgiving Day! And today, I thought it was only appropriate to let God know just how grateful I am to Him by doing exactly what HE created me for.

Here goes the start of a new painting folks.

It's stretched and primed!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
~Brian Tracy

Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This morning I woke up with a song on my mind. The name of the song is, "I Give Myself Away". It made me think a great deal about giving and the giving away of stuff...material things.

I can say that I am a giving person at the core of who I of my time, giving of my talkent, and giving of my heart. However, sometimes I find it hard to give away material things. Perhaps the thought process is that if I am giving of myself in other areas I should at least be able to keep my stuff; or so I thought until last week.

Last week I was slammed with the unction to give away some of my things (a painting and a pair of shoes to be specific). I know, a pair of shoes out of the 200 pairs or so That I have, and a painting in the arsenal of paintings that I have not sold as of yet is not such a big deal! That is what you are saying right?

In the grand scheme of it does not matter. If I had to be honest though, sometimes giving of my things hurts. I love shoes, and my paintings are like my babies!

Obedience can be a beast, especially when it is something that seems will have you to lose instead of gain. But what I am learning is that there is a things called sowing seed, and reaping a harvest. Yes, this is a biblical system, but works for anyone who decides to use the principle. IBM, Starbucks, and NIKE are all companies that find ways to give back using the principle without being founded on Christian principles.

The system works folks if one works it! So me giving away a pair of shoes and a painting is just the beginning of the process. I am in the sowing phase of my life. Sowing into my business, my financial stability, and my future.

Each time I sow, I am targeting or naming my seed. That means I am naming the harvest that I am looking to grow as a result of planting the seed. As a friend said to me earlier today, what farmer plants a seed and expects nothing to grow as a result of planting that seed? They don't! They plant a particular seed and expect to get the harvest of that particular seed they planted.

I will name the thing (harvest) that I am looking for/expecting each time I give (sow). Therefore, each time I sow I am expecting a tremendous harvest!

What am I looking to expect from the shoes and painting given away? I would say making new connections with artists to start with. Then, selling my pieces, being represented by some galleries, being accepted to some residencies, and eventually opening up my own gallery!

This is only the beginning!!!!!

Later this week:
A painting of a sketch done!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Give, and it will come back to you..pressed down, shaken together and running over!

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Rough Few Weeks

They say what won't kill you will only make you stronger, and I believe I am indeed a bit stronger.

Graham...the sweet, yet tough 90 year old woman that I have blogged about in the past, passed away on the 6th of this month. It was a shocker as I was in the midst of helping a dear friend of mine dealing with the funeral of her father. I was trying to be strong for her....I did my best to do what I needed to do for her and her family. I attempted to stay in the moment, but all I could think about was I was never going to hear her voice again.

The thought was bittersweet. No, she wasn't ill to the point of death, but yes she was tired. She survived all of her 12 siblings, her husband, and her best friends. And although she had us, she was undoubtedly lonely.

So on one hand, I am sure she was happy to go. She did so peacefully. And on the other hand, I will miss her, even though our relationship wasn't what I may have wanted it to be. She loved me, and I loved her. We had a good understanding of one another, but not like a grandmother/grand-daughter relationship. She was a tough cookie, and like so many of the women on my mother and fathers side of the family, lacked an affectionate component.

It's pretty amazing because my mother is and my father was probably some of the most affectionate people that I know. Growing up, I saw that example and have taken it to another level. I am an uber affectionate person. I am comfortable with that now. It's who GOD has made me...a woman with a whole lot of love to give. It's a good thing that my parents have passed down to me. I declare that my husband and I will pass the same down to our children. It's a legacy that will be carried on for generations to come!!!

So, I don't have any new art work to share with you all this evening. I am getting back in the saddle and should have something to share in the next few days. And the journey continues....

Pearls of Wisdom:
A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?
~Khalil Gibran

Saturday, August 27, 2011

#7 - City Hall Complete

City Hall is complete!!!

I got so involved in this piece, and the detail once again pulled me in. This is by far the piece that I have spent the most time completing since I have started this project. I put it down and picked it back up a few times. It became a bit daunting sometimes, but I was determined to push and finish. So there you have it, a finished product!

Original picture

Original picture against painting

Finished painting

Thought For The Day
I am learning to be comfortable in the fact that I am ever evolving. I am not the same person that I was 10 years ago, and am not what I will be 10 years from now. That is the cycle we call life, and I am okay with that now! So I say to my journey, "For sure here I come like a tenacious pit bull, ready to get my purpose done!"

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
~Martin Luther King Jr.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Complete Winnie the Pooh Mural!

Good Morning Good People!!! I attempted to post last night, but the exhaustion took me down. Today is a new day, and I am feeling refreshed!!

I read a blog not too long ago that talked about evolving. I thought that it is true that we are constantly evolving...constantly changing...constantly reshaping ourselves (for the better I hope). So I have decided to make a small change in the way that I blog. I love giving you folks an inside peep on what is going on behind my art, and that won't change. A lot of times that means there are some words to read...sometimes more than others. However there is a beauty in words that sometimes captures what the eyes cannot see. I am all about tapping into all of the senses. God gave them to us and I want to use all of them to the best of my ability!

With that said, just the aesthetics of the blog will change a bit. I am going to be adding a My Thoughts For the Day subtitle. A small change, but a change I think will make reading a little easier. I will try it and see if it works...if not, I will change again. After all these years, I realize...change is good!!!

is complete

Yes...the mural is complete. When I started the sketches for the mural a few months ago I was so unsure if I would be able to complete the task. As I explained in earlier posts, although I normally work very large, this would be my first mural. If I had to be honest, I was kind of shook. I did a whole lot of praying and asking GOD for wisdom, and HE definitely came through as always. Each time I put my brush to the wall I gained more confidence. I realize that when a task is given, and I know that I am purposed to do it, I must just do it! I recognize that most times I have nothing to lose, and truthfully the fear of "I can't" sometimes pushes me to the point of knowing that "I will...I must!" So, I did, and praise GOD it turned out great. There are definitely things that I would have changed, but there is no room for a perfectionist attitude right now. I am learning to leave well enough alone, and move on to the next projects.

I want to thank Stacy and Byron for believing with confidence that I could complete this awesome task. People from all over will see this, and perhaps ask for my services. I know that it was given as a gift, but you all have given me the best gift ever of allowing me to showcase my abilities! Thank you so much! I love you all and can't wait to see baby Thumper!!!

My thoughts for the Day
I had a pretty amazing epiphany yesterday...I am a very passionate person! Now before you all get to thinking outside of the box that I am putting that word in, let's define the word passionate. It simply means to express or show intense emotions and feelings about a particular thing. Some good synonyms...excitable, zealous, enthusiastic, earnest, and name a few.

I do! I work passionately, I create passionately, I sing passionately, I write passionately, I live passionately, I laugh passionately, and I love passionately (In the box right now! All my single people understand lol!). That's just a short list, but covers so much. I simply am a passionate person. I see that as a good thing, and make no excuses for it. It means that each day I attempt to do things to the best of my ability! I am grateful to GOD for allowing me to be passionate about life period! It keeps me going when I feel I have nothing left to give.

So there you all have it....the new subheading! I pray you all enjoy! I will be updating on the 365 Philly Project next. Have a great and loving on purpose!!!

Pearls of Wisdom:
“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
~Earl Nightingale

“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
~Mitch Albom

Today take time to listen to the heart of GOD. Be quiet, listen good, and then ask the necessary questions. Once you receive the answer, trust that answer and get to doing what it is you are supposed to do. Do whatever it is with a passion like never before!

Be blessed!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Winnie The Pooh Mural Part 2

I am having a hard time concentrating. My mind is racing about a hundred miles a minute about much of nothing, but sleep. The funny thing is, I am so exhausted that I am unable to sleep. I mean, I did stay up until after 1am and get up before 7am more days than not last week. It's all catching up with me now. Last night was the last straw, but I had a ball chilling with some really cool people!

So here I am blogging about the Winnie the Pooh mural, which is something that I should have done last week. I managed to finish Piglet, Tigger and the rock that they are all sitting on. Things went rather smooth this go round. I believe that familiarity with the canvas (or wall in this case) helped a lot.

I will be posting pics and a video of the finished product next week!

I will finish up this week. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Random Pic of the Day:

It was pouring this morning as I pulled into the parking lot of church, and this is what I saw. I had to pull back around to make sure I was seeing properly. What child parked their chair in this parking spot? There are odd and random things all over the place if you are looking!!!

There you have it folks...a short and sweet Sunday post!!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"The primary joy of life is acceptance, approval, the sense of appreciation and companionship or our human comrades. Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food, and so they go through life accepting many substitutes for genuine, warm, simple."
~ Joshua Loth Liebman

Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

#7- City Hall & My Calling!

Sometimes we spend so much time trying to attain others gifts that we fail to nourish our own. Today I am fully convinced that I was born to be an artist. It's just the truth of the matter. I enjoy doing many things. I admire the gifts of others and if the truth has to be told...have even envied those gifts at times, but I am sure that GOD thought of me as a creative being before I was formed in my Mother's womb. That's real sure huh!

But I do! It's not just a passion or my career, but my calling! I was purposed to create, and share that creativity! I remember as clear as day almost over 10 years ago. I laid across my bed in my one bedroom apartment at the time in Northern Virginia. I sobbed and repeatedly asked GOD who HE made me to be. I asked, over and over what I was created in this world to do. I pleaded for answers. As I drifted off to sleep, Exodus 31:1-6 came to me to read. I read, and learned that GOD was telling Moses the craftsmen that would be building the tabernacle. I was floored, and if there was any doubt what HE said, a friend called and said that he thought about me as he read. He gave me Exodus 35:30-35, which is Moses telling the people what GOD told him in Exodus 31:1-6.

So here I am sharing with the world what I know to be a gift from GOD! My prayer is that you, the one that views and reads this blog can benefit from my gift!

Today's painting is the start of a view of City Hall. I am going to be publishing this post, but will come back to put up finished photos as well in the next few days.

I never understood the buzz about City Hall until a few years ago. It was a place that conducted serious business. A place where one goes to get their birth certificates, marriage licenses, passports, and so forth and so on. I never really took the time to see the beauty in its architecture. It is absolutely amazing! Not only is the structure amazing, but the view of the city from its entrance and exit points are something to marvel at.

There I was with a friend, and decided at that point that I needed to capture that particular time and space to paint as a part of this project.

There you have it!!! Have a great evening!!!

Pearls of Wisdom:
“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.”
~Og Mandino

Be blessed!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

#6 - The Other Side of The Tracks

I came back from a mini (and I do mean mini) vacation on Monday, and just couldn’t seem to get my bearings straight to paint or blog. I started to catch up on Tuesday with the painting, and just now getting to update you all on what has been going down!

Today’s painting (or more like this weeks painting at this point) is about an area in Philly (6th & American) that used to be thriving warehouses. There are still some up and running, but the majority of them have been closed and abandoned for quite some time.

There is something funny and actually baffling about cities. One street is obviously affluent, and the next block is the total opposite. And I don't care what city you are in...every city has an area such as this. I understand that there is such a thing called gentrification, but really…just less than a hundred yards from one home to the next things look so drastically different? It raises more than a few questions, which I won't go into due to the sake of time (feel free to post your comments).

So I have taken a little bit more of a laid back approach with this painting. I am more of a perfectionist and detail oriented (most of the time), but I will be trying to get loose for the next few paintings.

There you have it folks!!! I must get my beauty rest to get going on my purpose all over again tomorrow!!!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
~Khalil Gibran

Be blessed!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

#5 - Bridges of Life

I was slapped in the face by a reality today concerning this project. I was telling a dear sister friend about my plans for this project, which includes of course painting and blogging on a daily basis. No sooner than she stated something like, "Whew that is a lot!" did I think to myself, "I've put the cart before the horse again!"

I reassured her (really that it wasn't an option for me not to do. I have started and stopped so many times that if my life depended on it I would be on a "cooling board". I explained that if a woman who is a wife, mother and career woman can manage to blog daily, so could I.

So here I am attempting to make this thing work! I will paint 365 paintings about the city of Philadelphia, even if it means that it takes me 400 days. I am determined! I wasn't nicknamed tenacious years ago for nothing!!!'s painting subject is the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. I don't have a history on the bridge for you today, although there is much history to be given I am sure.

A bridge by definition is a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like, and a connecting, transitional, or intermediate route or phrase between two adjacent elements, activities, conditions, or the like.

As I read the definition, I thought about life and all of its intricacies. I thought about experiences of the past and how they connect me to my future. I thought about relationships of old and how they make a path for those of new. I thought about how past failed business ventures made way for the success of those businesses I am supposed to have. I thought about financial woes from back in the day that made it possible for me to know that GOD always makes a way. I thought about my sometimes wretched mistakes that helped me to blossom into the woman GOD has me today.

All in all, I understand that there is a purpose for the bridges in life. There are purposes for those things that link you from one journey in life to another. I thank GOD for the bridges, and the people that help make getting over the bridge a smoother process.

For this piece I did a bit of collage at the top. I used tissue paper ripped in strips to create my rendition of the sky at sunset. I decided to use modge podge to secure the tissue paper to the canvas, and painted the image of the bridge on top.

So, there you have it good people! I pray your day was fabulous, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Do what you know how to do best! The rest, leave for others to do what they do best!!!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Painting - Winnie The Pooh Mural

I have accomplished more in this day than I have in a very long time. It just goes to prove that when you wake up determined to do what you are purposed by GOD to do and make HIM the driver, all that needs to falls into place.

I have started painting the Winnie the Pooh mural that I blogged about sketching a few weeks ago. As you all know, for the most part I work on a large scale, but have not done anything as large as a mural before. I would be telling a lie if I said that I wasn't a little nervous about charting new territory.

I had a few challenges in the beginning. I had to get into the grove of things, and there are spots that I definitely need to refine. However, as I painted I took deep breaths, and reminded myself that this is what I am purposed to create, and I can do this!

The start of a beautiful process

Excited to be venturing into new territory

Getting dirty, but I wouldn't want it any other way!

I am learning each day to push myself. Today, I pushed myself and the outcome (thank you HOLY SPIRIT) was great!!!!

In the voice of Elmer Fudd, "That's all folks!" Check back tomorrow for more on the series about Philadelphia!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Taking a trek into new territory could be the key that unlocks the successes of your life! What new land will you venture into today?

Be blessed!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Painting #4 - The Laborers' Union

I don't confess to know much about unions...needless to say, I don't belong to one! However, in the past few months I have been hearing more and more about them.

As I drove across Spring Garden a few weeks ago, I looked to my right and stopped almost in my tracks. I pulled over and immediately snapped a shot. The men that sit in their lawn chairs picketing in front of the Bottom Dollar Foods that I sometimes visit, is the image that came to mind. The sign that they hold saying, "Don't shop at Bottom Dollar, they don't support a union."
At that very moment I decided to complete a painting surrounding what I shot a picture of.

It seems that a union is most important to those that stand in need of representation or negotiation on their behalf. In researching I understand that their is bargaining power in unions. They bargain for improved wages, proper complaint procedures, the rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, fair benefits, and improved policies.

In looking at the Laborers' Local Union 57 website, it is evident that they are fighting for all that is listed above. And to me, anyone that is fighting on the behalf of another to make life better for them is okay in my book. Now, I may not always take heed to those that are picketing outside of stores because there is no union in effect. I shop where I can get the best deal for the product that I am looking for. However, I respect what they need to do in order to protect their livelihood.

There you have it! Check back manana for more painting!!!!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"It was the labor movement that helped secure so much of what we take for granted today. The 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, family leave, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, retirement plans. The cornerstones of the middle-class security all bear the union label."
~President Barack Obama

Be blessed!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Fun!

So I have decided that I will not be blogging about the series that I am currently doing on Saturday and Sunday. I am keeping those days to post about what I have done during the weekend or not post at all. I am really trying to be disciplined in posting everyday. Sometimes I hit the mark, and sometimes I don't. However, I would like to hit the bulls-eye more than not!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing my first Cirque du Soliel show in NY. It was a birthday gift from a dear friend of mine, and we had a ball!!! The show was great! The performers super gifted to do what they do.

Zarkana cast

Sitting area in the women's bathroom

After the show, we met up with another friend we met at a Stevie Wonder concert a few years ago. Both Mel and I are social butterflies, so it is no wonder that we met another social butterfly (Mari) on the!

Hi Maribel and Melissa!

We strolled around the city and grabbed supper from a place on 24 West 45th Street called Karam. The food was great, and the customer service was superb. Marwan (an employee) made suggestions for our entrees, and threw in a sweet treat for us before we left. If you are into Middle Eastern cuisine and looking for someplace spectacular to eat while enjoying the beauty of NY try this place. And for those who are concerned, they do serve Halal meat! Greet the those who are working with a smile and they are sure to return the favor.

Hi Marwan!

After our stop at Karam, we were in the mood for something sweet, but light. We had it mapped out to go to a side vendor that sold Gelato, but stumbled upon a quaint ice cream shop called Steve's. They prepare what they call Craft ice cream, craft coconut cremé, craft frozen sorbet, and craft frozen buch. In fact, it was the word "craft" that had peaked our interest. When asked what craft meant, we were told that the ice cream is homemade, but that they add certain flavors that give their frozen treats an edge. Martina allowed us to taste every flavor that they had available. All of them were tasty, but Mexican Chili Chocolate was the most interesting. It was chocolate ice cream base with chocolate chips, and a burst of heat on the end tail that lays right in the center of your throat. The chill from the ice cream mixed with the heat from the infused chili spice was pretty amazing. I didn't choose that particular flavor as I thought that it would feel as though degrees were added to the sweltering 100 or so day that we had. Instead I took Urban Passion Kombucha (fermented tea) along for the walk. Again, a very pleasant establishment with knowledgeable employees who are willing to go the extra mile for their customers. Check their website out Oh they are on Twitter and Facebook too!

Martina served us well!

My choice: urban passion kombucha

Thank you Meli, Maribel and New York for a superb experience!

A piece of NY's skyline

Well ta ta for now good people. More about the series on Philadelphia on Monday! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and be safe out there in this heat!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Do whatever you need to do to stay cool! Check on your elderly neighbors and those that are unable to care for themselves often!

Be blessed!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of hanging out in the city with a few friends. We met up at a central location, and that central location happened to be next door to the Philadelphia Senior Center at 729 S. 12th Street, where an pretty cool mural resides.

It wasn't hard to figure out that the mural was part of the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, a Program that has been around since 1984. As I began to do a little bit of research, I found that the Program started off as the Anti Graffiti Network. A Network that tried to redirect the destructive mindset of graffiti artists into a constructive mindset by painting murals that various communities in the city could appreciate.

To date, there are over 3,000 murals that have been produced since the Program has started. Not only does the Program beautify the city, but it also gives back to the community by offering art educational programs to local prisons and rehabilitation centers. In addition, they offer job and community service opportunities for those that are re-entering society after being released from prison.

Since I am intrigued by so many of the murals done by artists that collaborate with the Program, I decided to include some of them in my paintings. As stated before, the mural was done at the Philadelphia Senior Center. It was started in September of 2006 by Henry Bermudez and Michelle Ortiz, and finished in May of 2008.

The entire Mural

A section that intrigued me

The Mural Arts Program is truly a great Program! I suggest if you haven't taken the time to go on one of their tours, that you do so immediately! You will learn about the community that surrounds you and perhaps about yourself!

Pearls of Wisdom:
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
~George Washington Carver

Take the time today to be compassionate. It is only by the grace of GOD that we too are not in the same predicament.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

#2 - The City of Brotherly Love

The great city of Philadelphia was deemed the City of Brotherly love by William Penn a little over a century ago (in the 1890's) after the Greek word philos, which means brotherly love. The city may not always live up to its lovely nickname these days, but I am a loving type of person. So I decided to do a painting of the Love sculpture by Robert Indiana in JFK Plaza that gave the Plaza it's famous Love Park nickname.

I speak highly of journaling and writing, and do a lot of it. As I have explained before, it is a space where I am able to be completely me with GOD and provides a safe arena for me to think creatively.

With this painting, I decided to use love letters that I have written as the backdrop. Yes, I am the mushy type who writes love letters to my mate. The mate that is not yet here, but thought of often.

I used glossy Modge Podge to lay the letters down, and to give me the glossy finish I was looking for. I then did a matte paint to paint the actual love scultpure and a permanent pen to write on the sides of the canvas.

There you have it folks! I pray you enjoy this. I will be posting during the week and taking a break during the weekend.

Pearls of Wisdom:
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

~Lao Tzu

Be blessed!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Journey Begins!

The painting frenzy has begun!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am super detail oriented when it comes to my art creative endeavors, and this one is no different. I am praying that I didn't bite off more than I can chew. I guess the only person that makes the rules is me, since it is my project.

I have finished the first of 365 paintings today. As I have stated in previous posts, this series is about the city of Philadelphia. I will be touring different parts of the city and depicting them through my creative lens. There will be a fair share of tourist sites, but also parts of the city that are not so glamorous. I would even be willing to take suggestions from you folks!!!

A few weeks ago some friends and myself had a fabulous lunch at Reading Terminal. Reading Terminal has been around since 1897, and one can find anything from produce to hand-made crafts, and everything in between there. I indulged in one of the best turkey sandwiches that I have had in a long time from The Original Turkey. It was fabulous and left me wanting more.

So since Reading Terminal is a staple to the Philadelphia community, I thought why not paint it as the first stop on this journey


Random Pic of The Day:
Randomness can be found in anything, and today it is about a strawberry that I bit into that resembled a porker...a pig! At least it did to!!!

Pearls of Wisdom: "Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to details, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit so ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure." ~Gary Ryan Blair
Determine today to do whatever you are called to do despite the fear of failure that may present itself. After all, fear is just false evidence appearing real!!!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daily Doodle

I admittedly do more written journaling than I do sketch journaling. I suppose because I have been writing in a journal since the age of 9 (which I still have). It is a comfortable place for me. It is a place where now I talk to GOD mostly about everything from what I did to how I am feeling.

One would think sketching is such an easy and fancy free thing, especially for an artist. However, it sometimes is the contrary for myself for reasons that may seem crazy to some. With my work, at my worst my perfectionist behavior takes over, and at my best I am free to let creativity take it's course without over thinking. On my best days, I don't care if that particular sketch is the cremé de la cremé. I sketch, doodle, scribble anything, and it all doesn't matter.

I took the time to doodle today. I doodled exactly how I have been feeling for the past few days.

The writing says this: "In this tangled mess I sometimes weave my hearts intentions radiate with truth and sincerity, and a path ever so small has been made clear so that amidst chaos my purpose and calling can go forth!"

I am determined to go forth with the tenacity GOD has given me to accomplish the big things that HE has set before me.

Journey, here I come full speed ahead, allowing nothing to stop this caboose!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"The artist must summon all his energy, his sincerity, and the greatest modesty in order to shatter the old cliches that come so easily to hand while working, which can suffocate the little flower that does not come, ever, the way one expects."
~ Henri Matisse

Be blessed!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Winnie The Pooh Themed Room

I feel so privileged to have the gift of creativity. It is a blessing, and extremely appreciated! Thank you GOD!

Recently some really good friends of mine asked if I would paint a mural in the room of their bundle of joy that is on the way. I was more than happy to oblige, and quite frankly ecstatic that folks are impressed enough with my work to want to commission me.

They are not sure of the sex of the child. Like so many, they have decided to wait until the baby gets here. They are doing a neutral theme, and thus we have, Winnie the Pooh.

I have begun to do my research and start to sketch. This is the first of the preliminary sketches. I decided to do a few simple samples just to try and get a feel for drawing the characters. I
will do other sketches throughout the next upcoming weeks.

There you have it for the day ladies and gentleman!

P.S. - I am starting a new mainstay category in this blog. It may not make every post, but it will be called the Random Pic of The Day. I tend to see recognizable objects in random things. So I thought that it would be nice to share what I see in randomness with you all!

Random Pic of The Day:

As I hydrated my skin the other day, a glob of lotion fell on my foot, and this is what it created. I don't know about you, but it looks like the perfect shape of a leaf to me!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from the CREATOR, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail."
~ Og Mandino

Be blessed!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GOD In a Box

Today I came to the tough realization that I have been guilty of putting GOD in the box a time or two...or maybe three, four or five, or a thousand times over.

And as I pondered, I wondered what good it was doing me to put the Creator of the Universe in a box? Do I not trust that HE who created me is good enough to guide me to the place where I am supposed to be? Am I apprehensive in believing that HE too is aware of the mistakes that I have and will make, and uses even those to allow me to blossom into who HE desires for me to be? Is it the fear of the unknown or the fear that HE will not make good on HIS promises? Is it my allowance of others reflections of their relationship with GOD to skew my own?

All these questions and more I mulled over, and here are a few things I was given.

Everything is par for the course:
With GOD, there are no coincidences! In fact, everything that we go through life is able to be used and learned from. Where I am at the present moment was ordained by GOD. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, productive or (all that comes with life) is par for the course.

It's for someone else:
Although not always fair, the trials that we often go through are not about us. Often the things that we go through (for better or for worse) are about being an example for someone else. I look at it as a "how to" or "how not to" gauge. And speaking for myself, I know I have been used to serve as both to others. The reality is, people are not only looking at my trials, but more importantly how I respond to my trials. Am I going to handle them with poise and grace, with a smile on my face or am I going to buck the process?

The process is just as important as the final product:
As the famous saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day." As a matter of fact, in doing a minimal amount of research, it seems that the Roman Empire lasted approximately from 27 BC to 476 AD, depending on the historian. That means that it lasted for 503 years. If it lasted for 503 years, it is very likely that it took over 100 years to reach its peak. So to me that means that the process is almost more important than the final product. If I don't take time to get the process correct, how well is the final product going to be? There is no sense in rejoicing in the product being complete only for the final product to fall apart because the planning stages were poor.

GOD'S timing is superior to my own:
GOD thinks on a totally different wave length as a human! Therefore, things don't happen the way I desire them to all the time, and much for my benefit (whether I recognize it as such or not). I am a simple being, where GOD is complex. I see things on the surface with my natural eyes, where GOD has the ability to see far beyond what's visible. I am only able to be in one place at a time, where GOD is everywhere at once. GOD has insight to my future, where at best I am blessed to be given a glimpse from HIM.

The bottom's time to take GOD out of the box in my mind. It's time to free HIM from the confining four walls that stifle HIM. HE has created me to be exactly who I am, at this moment, for this moment, and I trust that this moment is preparing me for the next!

Ta ta for now!

Prelim sketch for a painting!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Any existence deprived of freedom is a kind of death."
~ Gen Michel Aoun

Be blessed!