I got so involved in this piece, and the detail once again pulled me in. This is by far the piece that I have spent the most time completing since I have started this project. I put it down and picked it back up a few times. It became a bit daunting sometimes, but I was determined to push and finish. So there you have it, a finished product!

Original picture

Original picture against painting

Finished painting
Thought For The Day
I am learning to be comfortable in the fact that I am ever evolving. I am not the same person that I was 10 years ago, and am not what I will be 10 years from now. That is the cycle we call life, and I am okay with that now! So I say to my journey, "For sure here I come like a tenacious pit bull, ready to get my purpose done!"
Pearls of Wisdom:
"Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Be blessed!
Wow! Great job. I'm glad you pushed yourself.
Very nice painting. Your artistic abilities are quite impressive. Keep pushing on.
Thanks a bunch Princess...me too!!!
Thanks for stopping by Laura! I pray that you will stop by more often!!!
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