So here I am blogging about the Winnie the Pooh mural, which is something that I should have done last week. I managed to finish Piglet, Tigger and the rock that they are all sitting on. Things went rather smooth this go round. I believe that familiarity with the canvas (or wall in this case) helped a lot.

I will be posting pics and a video of the finished product next week!
I will finish up this week. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Random Pic of the Day:

It was pouring this morning as I pulled into the parking lot of church, and this is what I saw. I had to pull back around to make sure I was seeing properly. What child parked their chair in this parking spot? There are odd and random things all over the place if you are looking!!!
There you have it folks...a short and sweet Sunday post!!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!
Pearls of Wisdom:
"The primary joy of life is acceptance, approval, the sense of appreciation and companionship or our human comrades. Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food, and so they go through life accepting many substitutes for genuine, warm, simple."
~ Joshua Loth Liebman
Be blessed!
Aw! You really captured, Winnie, Piglet and Tigger well. They are so cute. Your client will love it!
Regarding the sleeping: I know what you mean..I have been burning the candle at both ends. That only last for so long..before something bad happens....
Today, I had a epiphany... Sleep is good. Naps are good. I just started to go with the flow of things instead of fighting it. I took a nap with my toddler and woke up refreshed and immediately ideas started to flood me . It was great. Naps rock!
Naps do rock Princess!! It's just finding time to take them that!!!
I am trying so desperately to get back on track with sleep, but there is always something to be done. I told my sister today that it would have been nice to be doing these things in my 20's, but things didn't happen that way. I have lots of energy, but I am sure I would have had more.
The reality is, I am where I am, and doing what I am doing for a this time! I accept it now...sometimes with bells and whistles and sometimes not :)
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