Sunday, November 28, 2010

And The Winner Is...

Hey beautiful people!

I decided to video blog this entry. It has taken me some time, but I finally have gotten to choose the winner of a piece of jewelry for the quarter.


Patsy blogs about her artwork over at heARTwork (! She does some really good stuff while keeping the mindset of Christ! Congratulations Patsy! I will be sending you a follow up email.

So there you have it folks. I pray that you all have had a fabulous Thanksgiving, and I look forward to sharing some more creations this week!

Pearls of Wisdom:
Remember to give thanks for all things large and seemingly small daily. Your small may be someones large!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Truth Is...

The truth is, there have been times where I wished I was someone other than who I am. Perhaps a queen on a remote island, a traveler of many lands who speaks a multitude of languages, a wife with a plethora of children, or even living the glamorous life, withholding none of my goodness unto men.

After brief daydreams, the simple truth is that I am who I was created to be. I am well equipped to reign on this throne that I have been given at this moment, moments to come, and decades more. And when my reign has come to an end, I will have left a legacy for my children to pass on. One that will accomplish even greater things that I have! And then, I will have lived the glamorous life, one that withheld no good thing!

So, I have decided to make another pair of earrings. I have to say, I enjoy making earrings the most. I like the challenge of making two things look exact, and the therapeutic comfort that comes along with repetition.

The square piece came from either a bracelet or a belt. I can't quite remember and to my dismay, I did not take photos of the original piece from the purchased broken lot of jewelry. I took it's original studs off, and replaced them with pearls. I re-strapped them on with wire, and hung chain from the necklace I used to make the earrings I posted about last.
I took off the studs and replaced them with pearls

The finished product!

There you have it! I pray you all have a great day filled with endless possibilities that only your creativity plugged into the Creative Source could bring!

Pearls of Wisdom:
You don't need to know where God is taking you. You just need to know what to do next, and then the next things after that. Enjoy each moment with Him, allowing Him to guide your every step! ~Someone other than myself, with my tweek :)
Be blessed!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back In The Swing of Things

It's been a rough few weeks, but thank the Lord, I am back in the swing of things!

Today's creation I have been thinking about for a few weeks. Although I didn't sketch it out in my journal, I sketched it out plenty of times in my head. The execution was pretty effortless, and the finished product was what I hoped it would be.

The main oval shaped piece hails from a belt that was purchased from a broken lot of jewelry. The chain pieces came from a necklace that was in the lot of jewelry given to me by one of my mentors.
The original necklace

The finished product!

So there you have it folks! I look forward to keeping you all abreast of the creative things that are on the horizon!

Pearls of Wisdom:
"Art is beauty, the perpetual invention of detail, the choice of works, the exquisite care of execution." ~Theophile Gautier

Be blessed!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November Already?

Hola Compadres! It is hard to believe that we have passed the fall months and are now approaching old man winter. I wasn't particularly fond of last winter. I had to do much of the shoveling (by choice). Who in the world would have their 60 year old mother outside shoveling snow by herself. That would be oh so cruel.

Anywho, it's been more than a week since I have blogged last. Last week was extremely busy. I spent most of my time editing close to 200 pictures for my friends that are expecting twins. I was going to bed at approximately 3am and waking up at about 7am. Then, I danced at a baby shower on Saturday and sang until I could sing no more on Sunday.

Since the last time I blogged, I have had many great things take place. A mentor of mine gave me plenty of broken jewelry that I will be able to put in my arsenal of products. Thanks Sis. Naffessa! I may have gained a few customers as a result of my friends baby shower I attended. People were really pleased with their photos and inquired about having theirs taken.

So, that is what has been going on amongst a few other things!

Today's creation is a ring. This is actually something that I was sort of re-vamping. My mentor was in love with the ring and didn't want to give it away, but wasn't happy with it beginning to tarnish. I decided to burnish the edges where it was tarnishing to bring out the copper tone that was underneath the plated silver. It's now a copper accented ring.

The copper undertone makes the petal like structure pop!

I was glad to be able to make this ring new for it's owner. It just goes to show that sometimes you don't have to get rid of old things, but just have a mind to restore them to fit what you want them to be for you today!

Have a great evening! Until next time....

Pearls of Wisdom:
Let's make sure that we are looking at the treasure in what some call trash. Underneath it all, you might just find a gem!
Be blessed!